SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Unnat Bharat Abhiyan 2.0 in association with ASCE SRM Student Chapter Conducted a Massive Palm Seed Collection Programme on 09.09.2023

Date: September 09, 2023

Place: Pathiri Lake, Pathiri Village, Near Thindivanam.


On September 9, 2023, the SRM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY and UBA SRMIST 2.0, in collaboration with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) SRM Student Chapter, organized a massive Palm Seed Collection Programme as part of the Chancellor 84th birthday celebration. The program aimed to contribute to environmental conservation, promote biodiversity, and raise awareness about the importance of preserving indigenous Palm tree species.

Program Activities:

The program was well-organized and included the following activities:

The event started with an informative session led by Dr. V. Thirumurugan, Associate Director, Campus Life, SRMIST and Dr. S. Pradeep, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, SRMIST. They discussed the ecological importance of palm trees, their role in maintaining ecological balance, and the threat of palm tree species due to deforestation and urbanization. In total 75 numbers of participants including Teachers and Students of SRMIST along with Public were participated. The program witnessed active participation from both SRM students and members of the local community. It was heartening to see a diverse group of individuals, including students, faculty, and environmental enthusiasts, come together to contribute to this noble cause.

After the awareness session, participants were divided into groups and provided with the necessary equipment such as gloves, bags, and Sticks to collect the seeds. They have collected around 10000 seeds from the Lake bunds.

The Palm Seed Collection Programme conducted by SRM Institute of Science and Technology in association with ASCE SRM Student Chapter was a resounding success. It not only contributed to the conservation of indigenous palm tree species but also promoted awareness and community engagement in environmental initiatives. We are confident that such events will continue to make a positive impact on our environment and society.

We express our gratitude to all the participants, volunteers, and experts who made this program possible.


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